What is Food Access
Food access involves how people get the food they eat. This includes what options are available, how affordable and convenient those options are, how nutritious is the food that is available, and how it was produced. Food access is often discussed at the same time as food security, and food insecurity. Food security describes the situation when an individual, family, community, county, state, country, or larger group has enough good food to eat and it is available to everyone in the group. Food insecurity describes the situation when an individual, family, community, county, state, country, or larger group does not have enough food to eat, leading to negative consequences for the eater and community alike.
Strategic Pillar
Healthy Food Access - Pueblo’s food system can reliably provide safe, healthy, affordable food to all residents
Ensure equitable access to affordable, nutritious, food, for everyone in our community that is culturally relevant, geographically convenient, and sustainably produced, through creative solutions, strong county-wide coordination, and community input.
The Food Access working group has two main purposes. First, to convene monthly community organizations meetings, working on food access for Pueblo county to support collaboration and optimization of community resources. Next, to develop and support policy and systems change strategies to increase healthy food access and equity across Pueblo County.