8:00 - 9:00, Foyer

Registration will open at 8:00am. The registration process may take a couple minutes. We will check you in and give you a conference bag that includes a snazzy mug and a $5 voucher to our Makers' Market. Solar Roast coffee, Bobo’s granola bars, and other light snacks will be served.
9:00 - 9:30, Room A
We will start our day with a Land Acknowledgment, Language Justice Statement, remarks from Pueblo Food Project and Pueblo Count Extension Office, key announcements for the summit, review of our community agreements, and an update on the Pueblo Food Project.
9:30 - 10:30, Room A
Claiming Our Seat at the Table: Shooting Stars Cultural and Literacy Center
What does it mean to create change in your community? Alamosa has found a bright light with empowered community leaders, working to make a difference. Learn from Shooting Stars Cultural and Literacy Center and their journey from concerned community members to leaders in their community. We all have the power to make a difference, let’s keep moving forward.
Speakers: Cristalray Dominguez & Jamie Dominguez, Co-Directors Shooting Stars and Cultural Literacy Center
A Fountain of Good Water for Local Food: Fountain Creek Watershed District
Susan Finzel, Fountain Creek Watershed District
10:30 - 10:40, Travel Time
10:40 - 11:40
Agriculture | It’s Not Foul, Its Fowl: Backyard Flocks and More, Room C
From the basics to the deep dive, learn what it takes to maintain a backyard flock. This session will cover breeds, housing, nutrition, disease, and more. Hear from an experienced fowler and get the tips and tricks you need to raise a successful backyard (or bigger) flock.
Speaker: Joslyn Rafferty-Cammer, WIC & American Poultry Association
Food Systems | Harvesting Connections: Colorado's Local Food Funding Initiatives, Room A
The Local Food Purchase Assistance Cooperative Agreement Program and Food Pantry Assistance Grants have provided funding to purchase foods that help feed Coloradans in need while supporting local and underserved producers. Hear different perspectives of Colorado producers, produce vendors and food distribution partners about how these food funding initiatives are working to support local food production while bringing nutritious and culturally-relevant foods to our communities.
Food for You | Harvesting Wellness: Gardening and Mental Health, The Barb
Gardening can be a channel for us to connect more deeply with ourselves and the world around us. You do not have to be an expert gardener to receive the mental, physical and spiritual benefits of growing food! In this session, Venice, a retired licensed therapist, will share her story and experiences around gardening and mental health. She hopes that attendees will leave feeling inspired to start a garden, however small it may be, and embrace the inevitable challenges (and even failures) as part of the journey. Who knew that an act as simple as growing food can lead to our own growth along the way!
Speaker: Venice Gallegos, Licensed Therapist
11:40 - 1:00
Building Bigger and Better Leadership Skills | Pueblo Fooducates
The Fooducates have been working hard to showcase their leadership skills. Skillful practice leads to impact. And these young people are excited to practice their presentation skills!
1:00 - 1:10, Travel Time
1:10 - 1:20
Agriculture | Beneficial Insects for Gardens and Small Acreage, Room C
Bugs are all around the natural environment, in urban and rural settings. They often get a bad rap because they can be pesky, eating our plants or stinging and biting us. There are, however, a whole bunch of bugs that help us too. Join in on this session to learn more about the beneficial insects in our lives and their impact on the ecosystem and food system.
Speaker: Karim Gharbi, CSU Extension Denver County
Food Systems | Our Superpowers - A Community Leader Showcase, Room A
Learn more about the in’s and out’s of product pricing and how the market effects the profit you are making on your farm or in your agricultural business. With this in-depth discussion you will learn tips to make your operation increase value and profitability.
Speakers: Donielle Kitzman, Greater Pueblo Chamber of Commerce; Sol Tafoya, Emerge Colorado; Tim Trujillo, Fire Fit Kids
Food for You | Practical Home Irrigation
Have you ever been curious about the healing properties and traditional uses of common herbs and spices in your kitchen? Join Dr. Amber Golshani, ND in exploring ways to incorporate herbs into your daily diet for increased health and vitality and start building up your kitchen apothecary!
Speaker: Joshua Wagner, NOLA Naturals
© 2025 Pueblo Food Project. All rights reserved.
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